Your Disney World vacations are coming soon and you’ve realized you have no idea what to put in your bags? Oh My Packing! What to take, what not to. The moment most people dread when going on holidays is packing their bags. Well, as it happens, I’m a bit of a organization freak and I always do checklists before every trip, and they never fail. On this post I’ll give you the ultimate carry-on packing list so you don’t forget anything! Plus, a free printable to take with you 🙂

Whether you’re going to Disney World with your kids, with your significant other, or by yourself (why not?), you need to know what to take in your carry-on bag because, basically, your life depends on it. There are certain essentials that you don’t want to forget to start your vacations in a magical way. That’s why I designed a practical printable for your packing list. And the great thing is that it comes in two different designs: a Mickey style and a Perfect Disney Trip color palette design. Keep on reading to download them 🙂
Download the Perfect Disney Trip Style checklist for free here!
Download the Mickey Style checklist for free here!
I know you think it’s impossible to forget something as important as your ID or your passport, but trust me, people leave all kind of things at home. Basically, you can’t go anywhere without them! The same goes for the reservation confirmations: I know that nowadays we have apps on our phones that keep everything together, but there’s nothing like a printed copy of your boarding passes or hotel reservations. It goes without saying: bring your credits cards and some cash – you’ll need them!
Traveling by car? Bring a change of clothes. Taking a flight? Bring a change of clothes. Like I told you in an older post, you never know what can happen to your checked bags on the plane, or if you spill coffee in the car. Aaaaand, if you come from somewhere where it’s colder or hotter, you need to have with you a change of clothes according to the Orlando weather. If you’re going to Disney on a flight, don’t forget a scarf and a light coat. Planes usually get really cold at some point! If you’re anything like me, you’ll get a cold before landing.
We never forget our phones, but what about the charger? Make sure you pack the chargers of all your electronics, as well as a portable charger for the parks. Car rides can be boring, flights can be long, so take a book and magazine for a more “traditional” form of entertainment to kill time.
I’m not telling you to pack your kids, but it is a good idea not to forget them. Just kidding 🙂 I’m no expert here, buuuuut I’ve observed so many kids during my connecting flights to Orlando and I’ve seen the wonders toys, coloring books, and iPads can do, so please, don’t forget these wonderful objects!
Two words: neck pillow. You’ll thank me later. Aaaand, remember to take a reusable water bottle. It can a plastic one with a filter or my own personal favorite: a Contigo Autoseal Travel Mug. It keeps my cold drinks cold, and my hot beverages warm for hours 🙂
Remember to take your Magic Bands (if you had them delivered at your home) and your ear hats or headbands. With these, you’ll be ready from the moment you set foot on this magical land called Disney World!
Remember that these are all my recommendations, and of course, it all depends on the kind of traveler you are! Do you want the complete list?